Orders are usually processed and shipped within 3 working days of purchase.
We will send you a tracking number when your order ships. Simply visit the carrier's website and enter the tracking number to see the shipping status of your package.
Please note that the tracking information will be displayed after 2-5 days after being updated.
Therefore, if you can't find tracking information about your package, please try in 1-2 days later.
Your shipment may be delayed for many reasons. Common delays can be due to e.g. weather incidents, customs or backlogs.
We accept Paypal, Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express), Debit Card.
If there’s something wrong with your order (defective product, incorrect order, damaged order etc.), please contact us within 7 days from receiving your order and we’ll be happy to assist you reviewing the case and if it is approved we will be sending a replacement. Please do not return anything before we review the case, our customer service team will review the request and will send further instructions. www.my-petsible.com reserves the right to deny any return request.
At our studio, we specialize in creating exquisite portraits of cats and dogs. Our dedicated focus is on delivering flawless works of art that capture the essence and beauty of these subjects.
If you followed our photo guidelines, then yes your photo is very likely good enough to use.
• Make sure the photo is taken in good lighting (outdoor daylight is best)
• Try to take the photo at eye level with your pet
• They don't need to be looking at the camera
• Try to get a close up so we can see your pet's unique features
• Make sure the photo is not blurry
• Make sure no features (e.g. ears!) are out of frame - we can't add them if they aren't in the original photo
• Ensure that the fur color in the photo is not affected by bad lighting. If the fur in the photo is not accurate to real life, the fur in the design won't be either
We have a team dedicated to checking photos as orders are placed. If there's an issue with your photo, we'll let you know very quickly via email.
If we do need a new photo from you, this may lengthen your delivery time by a few days.
Please note that if you refuse to provide a new photo after we have informed you that the original photo may not result in the best quality artwork, then we cannot refund you. It's your responsibility to ensure that you are happy with the photo you provide.
Note: All examples on our website were produced using high quality photos.
No this shouldn't matter. Don't worry if there's a lot of stuff in the background. Obviously it's better if it's a plain/clear background. But don't obsess over it too much! It really doesn't make much difference.
As a digital design studio, we do not create paintings from scratch. Instead, we utilize our expertise in proprietary photo editing techniques, professional photo re-touching, as well as complex brush strokes and blending processes to transform your original photo into a personalized pet portrait.
You have a 24-hour window to modify your order. If your order was placed over 24 hours ago, we cannot ensure that we will be able to accommodate any changes.
Absolutely! We provide all of our customers with a preview of their artwork and the opportunity to request any adjustments before printing. Once your preview is ready, we will notify you via email. You can view your artwork preview by logging into your customer dashboard.
We print on to four different-sized canvas frames. Each frame is gallery-ready and high quality. Our product boasts a sleek and slender design, with a thickness of only 0.75 inches, making it lightweight and easy to handle.
The frame sizes are:
- 12" x 16"
- 16" x 20"
- 16" x 24"
- 20" x 24"
While we strive to accommodate certain requests, please note that we may be able to remove tears, sleep, and drool in some cases, but we cannot guarantee it. However, it's important to understand that we are unable to make major edits like opening a closed mouth or adding floppy ears.
In case your pet is wearing an accessory in the original photo, we will do our best to incorporate it into the portrait. Similarly, we typically remove collars for most costumes, but if your pet's costume leaves some neck visible, kindly provide a photo of your pet without a collar for optimal results.
Right now we can't change the background for you. If you have a very dark pet and are afraid they won't show up on a custom with a black background, we would generally advise selecting a different costume.
If your photo is in black and white, we will adjust our costume to match the black and white aesthetic of your pet photo. However, please note that we are unable to add color to black and white images. If you provide a black and white image, kindly be aware that we cannot offer a refund if you receive a black and white portrait.
Once you have placed your order, please anticipate that your artwork will be ready for preview within 2-3 days. Production will commence 1-2 days after receiving your approval. Please refer to the production days listed below.
For US orders, the estimated delivery time is 3-7 working days from the date of shipment. International orders typically take 7-14 days to arrive from the date of shipment. Rest assured, all orders are shipped with tracking for your convenience.
Shipping prices are charged at a flat fee per order. The shipping fee is as follows:
Over $90 free worldwide shipping
- USA: $9.95
- Canada, Australia, UK: $9.95
- Rest of the world: $17.95
During peak shopping periods, please allow for a longer delivery time.
Depending on what you ordered, your order may arrive in separate parcels. Although in most cases, all items will be packaged together.
We do offer international shipping, and all orders are shipped with tracking regardless of the destination country.
Rest assured that all orders come with tracking, and you will receive the tracking number along with delivery updates via email and/or text message.
Don't worry, email our support team and we'll let you know where your order is.
In some cases, orders may be returned to us if there was no one available to sign for the parcel or if there is an incomplete or incorrect shipping address. However, rest assured that we will reship your order free of charge. Please don't worry, you will receive your order.
You can make payment for your order using a wide range of payment options. We accept all major debit and credit cards, including Visa, Visa Debit, Mastercard, American Express, and more. Additionally, we also accept payments through PayPal.
Since each order is custom-made specifically for you and your pet, we are unable to accept returns or provide refunds. However, if you experience any issues with your order, please do not hesitate to contact us, and we will do our best to resolve the issue. Please keep in mind that we offer artwork previews and unlimited revisions to ensure that you are completely satisfied with your artwork before it is printed.
Our top priority is to ensure that you are completely satisfied with your artwork. Once your portrait is ready, we will send you an email notification. You will have three days to review your portrait and either approve it for printing or make revision requests. If we do not receive any communication from you within three days, we will assume that you have approved the portrait and proceed with printing. We are pleased to offer unlimited revisions at no additional cost to ensure that you will be happy with your portrait.
You should expect to receive a response within a couple of hours.
During busier periods (such as holiday shopping season), please allow 24-48 hours for a response.
Right now we don't offer customer support by phone. We would advise live chat (if available at the time) or email.
Our portraits have been highly recommended as an exceptional Christmas gift, and we couldn't agree more! To ensure timely delivery for Christmas, we recommend placing your order no later than December 10th. Please note that our Christmas cut-off dates will be announced soon.
Regrettably, we do not presently provide gift wrapping services. Nevertheless, all items are securely packaged in opaque material, ensuring that the surprise remains intact upon arrival!